The Disk Manager will now start processing. How do I initialize a new hard drive? In the "Initialize Disk" windows, choose the best-matched disk style - MBR or GPT, and click "OK" to continue. By doing so, you can create partitions on the disk and use the disk to save data. Initializing the disk will rebuild the MBR on the disk so to enable Windows OS access to the targte disk. I got up the courage to try initializing the disk, and I got the error, “The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.” So, the disk probably has serous problems that can’t be fixed with software only.FAQ about You Must Initialize Disk Convert Why do I need to initialize a new disk? First, for a brand new disk: The case of "You must initialize a disk before." implies that Windows cannot access the drive you have connected to it. Under Disk Management, “initializing” I take to mean “what happens when you click ‘Initialize Disk’,” and “formatting” I take to mean “what happens when you click ‘Format…’.” Disk Management will not give you the option to initialize a formatted disk, and will not give you the option to format a non-initialized disk (at least in Windows 10, that I can see). Now, the definitions of “initializing” and “formatting” I am taking from Windows Disk Management. It takes very clever software to do the job, and may be impossible in certain situations. But, making sense of which sectors belong to which files is not an easy task.

However, to access that data requires software that bypasses the OS, and reads the sectors directly. There is no reason for initialization to write over sectors that contain user data. They are wrong, since initialization does not destroy user data. They are right in that initializing a disk makes the user data not accessible by ordinary means. When Stella says, “Initialize disk means to erase the data on a disk and make it usable,” they are both right and wrong. How to Fix Disk Unknown, Not Initialized, Unallocated Problem” See section: “Does Initializing a Disk Erase Data”

I see your Stella, and I raise you EaseUS and RecoverIt: